Tuesday 14 February 2012


Palmiers is a french cookie which is very crispy, flakey and buttery. These palmiers are perfect with afternoon tea.


  • Puff pastry sheet - 1 (I used light puff sheet)
  • Brown sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Cinnamon powder - 1 tsp
  • Raisins - 1 tbsp
  • Pre heat the oven at 400 F
  • In a bowl mix brown sugar, cinnamon powder and raisins
  • Thaw the puff pastry sheet according to the package instruction
  • Dust all purpose flour on a clean work surface
  • Place the puff sheet on the floured surface and slightly roll it using rolling pin
  • Spread brown sugar mixture over the puff sheet

  • Start folding the sides towards the center so they go halfway to the middle

  • Fold them again so the two folds meet exactly at the middle of the dough

  • Now fold one half over the other half as though closing a book

  • Cut the dough to 1/2 inch width and arrange them on the greased baking sheet

  • Bake it for 10 - 12 minutes or until nice golden brown on both sides

  • Transfer to a baking rack to cool
  • Serve with tea
Nutritional Information
  • Each cookie = 115 calories approximately


  1. These look very easy to make. I have some pastry sheet in my freezer, will pull it out and make some this afternoon. Thanks for the wonderful and easy recipe.

  2. Thanks!! would love to hear ur feedback...

  3. Hi Lavanya, first time here and i somehow thought we both share passion for healthy cooking and have comparable style... I am in the UK as well. Please do visit www.tastefullyveggie.blogspot.com when u get time. am adding u to my list of kitchens i visit!


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